Lapkričio 11 d. Neringa šventė savo gimtadienį ir kvietė įveikti „Kuršių nerijos pašto stočių maršrutą“. Tarptautiniame vertėjų ir rašytojų centre įsikūrė atvirlaiškių kūrimo dirbtuvės, kurių metu edukatorė Valdemara Butkevičienė kvietė dalyvius nupiešti Nidos aurą. Savo įspūdžiais kaip ir kuo...
The International Festival “N žemė”, celebrating its 20th anniversary, is back!
The International Centre for Translators and Writers invites you to the concerts of the Friends of the Centre, the International Music Festival "N-land"! Organised by Maestro Mindaugas Bačkaus (VŠĮ "Violoncelle muzika"), the festival celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and returns with an...
Open Call to win the Writer’s scholarship – CLOSED
Neringa Municipality together with Klaipėda County Ieva Simonaitytė Public Library announces a scholarship competition for a writer residing at the International Centre of Translators and Writers. The scholarship is granted to a writer for the creative activity program of the International Centre...
“Word About Neringa”
Aim of the project: to encourage professional creators and writers to produce new literary works and to send the word about the beauty, history and people of the Neringa region to the local community, Lithuania and on a global scale. Project duration: 2019 Project supported by: Neringa...