A new project “Ecology of the infomedia space” by Larysa Sydorenko


Our resident Larysa Sydorenko from Ukraine won a scholarship funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture and will be working on a new project “Ecology of the infomedia space”. Here is the short presentation of new project and it’s program by Larysa Sydorenko.

Last year since May 13 to August 13 with the support of the Lithuanian Council for Culture I have implemented a project “Information and Media Literacy Training at the Library”. This year I won another scholarship funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture and I will be working on a new project “Ecology of the infomedia space”. This project is a continuation of the previous project “Information and Media Literacy Training at the Library” so within 3 months there will be held 6 meetings on media literacy (trainings, discussions, master classes) with middle and high school students in Klaipeda.

During the project program, we are planning to discuss algorithms for effective work with the information and the ethics of using it. Also, the culture of perception and the creation of a media product. We will also discuss the role of the media, standards in the work of the mass media, features and types of manipulation in the modern information society and their impact on the consciousness of people, especially young people. In addition, considerable attention will be focused on media literacy as a tool of developing critical thinking among young people. The language of the events will be English, Russian and Ukrainian. The meetings will be held both in Klaipėda schools and in the American Corner at the Klaipėda County Ieva Simonaitytė Public Library. Also, there will be prepared a short methodical recomendation for librarians of the Klaipeda region on organizing media literacy events with an annotated list of the internet resources on media literacy and information hygiene (resources in English, Lithuanian and Ukrainian). This guide will be presented at the training (workshop) for librarians and also published on the library website.

The progress of the project will be covered on the website and Facebook page of the library. The results of the project will be reviewed in an article and published in the professional journal “Tarp knygų”.

Rezidento penktadienis: kūrybai įkvepianti Nidos aura

Rezidento penktadienis: kūrybai įkvepianti Nidos aura

Lapkričio 11 d. Neringa šventė savo gimtadienį ir kvietė įveikti „Kuršių nerijos pašto stočių maršrutą“. Tarptautiniame vertėjų ir rašytojų centre įsikūrė atvirlaiškių kūrimo dirbtuvės, kurių metu edukatorė Valdemara Butkevičienė kvietė dalyvius nupiešti Nidos aurą....

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